Cakes and cookies

I really enjoy baking, as the results are probably the most appreciated of anything I make! Most of the time, however, the cakes aren’t the most interesting things in the world to photograph. Since acquiring two sons though, birthday cakes are required. I did chicken out the first couple of times and bought cakes (horror of horrors!), but in the last couple of years I’ve done my best to make them with their favourite characters in mind. So here are a couple of pictures of (fairly) recent efforts.

Incredibles birthday cake

This was an Incredibles birthday cake, made for my elder son for his 4th birthday (as you can probably tell!). I made a pattern by copying the logo from some other piece of merchandising we had bought, and then cut it out of coloured icing. The characters round the edge were sold as a set, and he was very happy to have these to play with after the party was over and the cake had been eaten!


This was my elder son’s 5th birthday cake, as he was (and still is) going through an obsessive Batman phase. I was quite proud of this one, as I had to do everything from scratch, including cutting out the bat-sign freehand, and creating Batman’s face. As anyone who knew me at school could tell you, that was quite an achievement, given that I can’t draw to save my life! I had to take quite a mathematical approach to it, trying to figure out angles and distances etc. He thought it was fab, anyway!


Finally, for now, this was my younger son’s 2nd birthday cake. While it wasn’t quite so complicated as the other cakes to create (I managed to find Postman Pat and Jess candles in Tesco and so only had to make the van) I was still quite pleased with the outcome.

I dread to think what the two of them will come up with next year for their cakes – just as long as there are lots of nice, regular shapes I should be fine! Unfortunately for me, both their birthdays fall in April, so that becomes my main sugarcraft month!

Halloween 2006

As it’s half term this week, my older boy and I spent the afternoon on the 31st October making and decorating cookies. Here’s some of the results:


January 2007

I’m going through a houseproud/stepford wife phase at the moment, and have started baking once more! I do bake fairly regularly the rest of the time, but when I’m in a phase like this I tend to feel the need to obsessively bake at a rate that even all my friends and family can’t eat quickly enough! These are some of my latest efforts, made for my sister in law when she visited us for lunch.

4 mince pies

They all went down very well, and together with the extras I made, all vanished into tummies in a very short time!

January selection of cakes


I’ve not updated this page for some time, and I was going to remove it as I’m focussing more on yarny crafts at the moment. I decided otherwise as I thought it would be good to remind myself that I can do all of this stuff as well if I want to!

18 Responses

  1. You could go into business selling those…

  2. Wow!!!

    Congratulations, your creations are amazingly beautiful, and I believe they tasted even better! 😀

  3. hmmm… I miss my mother thought she doesnt cook..

  4. though i mean

  5. I’ve just finished writing about some more tasty bites, most are quick-n-easy and can be done in 15 minutes (f0r a family person on the go it’s a great way to feed them great, healthy, and filling foods).

    As a person who enjoys baking the Desserts section will appease to you a lot, for your healthy side you’ll enjoy the Salads and Seafood choices. Please check it out, and comment on what you think. Thanks, I appreciate it.

    This Labor Day Barbecue Like A Rockstar

  6. Those are all adorable! I share your love for baking and cooking. 🙂 Keep it up!

  7. Yes, keep it up 🙂

    /belly grumbles in advance appreciation…

  8. Those are amazing- I love the Batman one!

    Thank you – that one was totally down to luck! And I was still decorating it while the rest of the family were standing by the front door with coats and shoes on, waiting to go to the party! I do like to cut it close!

  9. Yeah, the Batman one is nice. A Spiderman would be cool too.

  10. I love the incredibles cake…my daughter wants that theme for her b-day this year. Can you tell me where to find the figurines?

    You do wonderful work- thank you!

  11. Hi Carrie,

    Thanks for the compliment! Well, I made the cake a couple of years ago now, just after the film was out, and I think I had the set of figurines from a local toy shop. If we still had them I’d send them to you, but they got either broken or given to the charity shop a while ago now! However, I’ve just done a quick search on Ebay and they have loads of sets of figures there, at low prices as well.

    Hope this helps, and thank you for visiting. Sorry it took me so long to reply, but I’ve been a bit out of action the last few days! Let me know how the theme turns out! x

  12. The Batman cake looks great and it’s nice to have something thats unique instead of the same old designs that you get on shop bought cakes, bet they taste better too!

  13. I did think it tasted nicer, yes, and I was glad to know what had gone into it as well! It worries me quite a lot when you look at those shop cakes and they have a best before date of a month or more away – what are they putting in them to keep them soft for that long?!

  14. I love the incredibles cake. It’s perfect! 🙂

  15. These are really awesome!

  16. Hi
    I just discovered your blog and yo have nice cakes 🙂 I was curious about the photo on your blog. Is that Malta ?

  17. It is – well spotted! I had a holiday there in May, and this view (of Valetta) was the view I was lucky enough to enjoy from my apartment window. And so I put it on top of my blog so that I could look at it and pretend I was looking out of the window at that glorious sight again!

    Thanks for visiting my blog. x

  18. soooooooo quit

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