Baby Sweetie eight (and a half!) month update

Where does the time go? So many times I think about blogging but something always happens to stop me. Mainly, at the moment, something about a foot and a half tall with a cheeky little smile! Baby Sweetie is sprouting up, but strongly dislikes it when I try to do anything other than play with her or ply her with food.

I meant to do monthly updates about her, if only to remind ourselves of how fast she has grown. Alas, that too has gone by the wayside somewhat. So, in brief, she is eight and a half months old already. She is interacting with everyone wonderfully, and is becoming quite vocal. She says ‘ta’ every time she wants something, or wants to accept something she has been offered. She will say ‘na na’ for night night when she or someone else goes to bed. In mobility, she isn’t trying to crawl yet, but if we put her on her back she will roll around the floor to travel. She knows exactly what she wants and will manoeuvre into quite tight spaces to get things!


I bought her some Winnie the Pooh board books and she really loves them. Here she is studying one while I make the dinner (or cookies. There have been lots of cookies recently!).

During January she got three more teeth, bringing her up to a grand total of six. This has made her a bit less happy than she usually is, but we still get wonderful smiles and chuckles. She’s very ticklish, especially by her jaw and her tummy and ribs. She loves that we all make a fuss of her feet when she is stripped down for nappy changes, and looks for her brothers to come and kiss her toes!


Just look how gorgeous she is! Who could resist that smile!

5 Responses

  1. Eight and a half months ALREADY? I can see why you refer to her as Sweetie – she is a beautiful girl – such lovely eyes.

  2. Thank you – I can hardly believe the time has gone so fast myself – she learns new things every day and is such a delight!

  3. Awww what a cutie pie! I love her smile and her handknit sweater too! 🙂

  4. Thanks! It’s not my favourite of her hand knits, but it had been on the needles since last summer and I just finished it off, which is why there were the pictures. There are some much cuter ones I’ll be sharing soon!

  5. She’s gorgeous – love her smile!

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